So I have done my first shop today from ~ If you haven't checked it out, do so! I will warn however that it is addictive & there is so much to choose from... I had to really scale it down to the things that we need more than want (ok, so there is a couple makeup products I wanted to replace the bad stuff I currently have with, even though it's not urgent...), so there is a wishlist aside... But in the meantime, I can't wait to receive my package & let you know all about the products! I love the prices too, so much money is saved than walking into the shop & buying them. Not only that, but these are safer & natural!
If you check out the website & make a purchase, don't forget to put in the iHerb coupon code - BUZ974 - to receive $5.00 off your order. (=
God Bless! Vic xo