Tuesday, 31 January 2012



So I have done my first shop today from iHerb.com ~ If you haven't checked it out, do so!  I will warn however that it is addictive & there is so much to choose from...  I had to really scale it down to the things that we need more than want (ok, so there is a couple makeup products I wanted to replace the bad stuff I currently have with, even though it's not urgent...), so there is a wishlist aside...  But in the meantime, I can't wait to receive my package & let you know all about the products!  I love the prices too, so much money is saved than walking into the shop & buying them.  Not only that, but these are safer & natural!

If you check out the website & make a purchase, don't forget to put in the iHerb coupon code - BUZ974 - to receive $5.00 off your order. (=

God Bless!  Vic xo

Art ~ Lotus

Dear oh dear...  It has been a while since I've updated on here!  Sorry guys =S  My latest update is I have finally picked up the paintbrush again!  Feeling quite pumped about it!  I've always loved to paint/draw, it's quite therapeutic. I have just finished my first & latest piece for this year, which took me 2 days to do.  Here it is!  (=

Done with Acrylic paints, it is a 3 panel piece, each canvas 90cm x 30cm.  I feel quite relaxed looking at it!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

My Guest Review on 'Free To Be Natural'


I had the wonderful opportunity of being sent some natural makeup products, including Kora Organics, RMS Beauty & MSB from my friend Zara, blogger of Free To Be Natural.  Click on the link below to have a read!  (=


Saturday, 21 January 2012

Neways & TrueTouch

Yesterday I received my Neways Products!  I'll be reviewing these products in about a month but just wanted to share the excitement (=. The products are from left to right ~ Ultrashine Radiance Toothpaste, Indulge Bubble Bath (given for free with my purchase), Replenishing Mist for hair & TrueTouch Hydrating Cream to Powder - Porcelain.

Random ~ Beauty

This is just beautiful! I happened to 'stumble' upon it this morning, I love that it's so daring yet sophisticated & simple? Anyway, it brings me cheer (& a little envy!), so heart out to this girl! <3


Hello everyone!  My name is Victoria & I'm 23 years old.  I am married to the most wonderful man & we are blessed with a beautiful son who was born November 2011.  I love God, my family & the simple things in life (=.  This blog will be about my transition to use safer, natural & organic products for myself & my little family.  I'll also post things of interest to me, any happenings & just so you can get to know me better. I hope you enjoy my blog & I will try & update regularly.  God bless!