Monday 20 February 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award =D

Now, a bit excited!  I have been honoured the Versatile Blogger Award from Dana of Organic Lassie =).  I have sussed it out a bit further as I had no idea what it is (as truth be told, I am new to blogging!) & think it's such a fantastic & motivating idea for us bloggers to keep doing what we are here for.  Not only that, but for everyone to get know each other better!  So I'll get on to it, the rules are as follow:

Rules of Honour ~
1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this on to newly discovered blogs & let them know they received the award.

So, onto number 2.  7 things about myself... =)
1. (Funny how food was my number one thought...=P)  I hate instant mash in a sachet.  TOTALLY disgusting.  Mum & Dad used to make it when I was a wee lass & force us to eat it.  I cried over it.  But naturally, I still love them (& haven't eaten instant mash since I moved out!  Don't even mention KFC mash & gravy... *gag*)
2. I have a gorgeous 3 month old son (=  I'll tell you a bit about that actually haha ~ my husband & I met 3 months prior to conceiving him, got engaged 2 months after that then got married after 4 months of engagement!  I have now been happily married for 6 months.  Bless my boys!
3. I don't have a favourite colour.  Really, I just can't choose!  They're all pretty (=  Red, blue (ooo, especially royal blue, teal & baby blue/green?), green (olive, moss & light...  moss?), brown, orange...
4. Which leads on that I love to paint.  I don't have a particular genre though, just anything.  I love paintings that you can hang in a room & it is the centre point.  It makes it look goooood (=.
5. I have been thinking about studying Interior Design.  But I don't know if I should, because I have also been thinking about Naturopath or Nutrition.  But I also wouldn't mind doing Makeup (which I have actually had the chance to...  but being correspondence, & me being a procrastinator with no motivation, I paid for the course but didn't submit ONE assessment back...  Oh naughty!).  So we'll leave it as none of them for the moment because I just have NO IDEA what I really want to do.  =S
6. Back to food.  I'm a healthy eater 70ish% of the time, don't worry...!  But my weakness is peanut butter...  Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (especially because I know where to look to get them here in Australia ;-) ), Peanut Butter M&M's (another American lolly...) or just plain straight out of the jar with a spoon.  Totally not healthy, which is WHY I never really see them much in the house haha!
7. What else is there to know about me?  Well...  I have a hot husband ;-)  I think that pretty much sums it up hehe!

So as to the rules, I have forwarded the Baton of Blog Love to the following bloggers ~
1. PureRawLove
2. FreeToBeNatural
3. Figwittage
4. SugarPuffish
5. TheFlaxenOwl
6. Pure-Makeup
7. Mademoisellenature

Thank you to everyone who is currently following my blog!  I really appreciate it & I hope you are all enjoying it (=.  xo


  1. Thank you for the award, you have a great blog I enjoy reading :)

  2. Great post! It's good fun isn't it? I'm much the same as your number 2, only we had a wee lass :) Oh, and I also dislike Smash!! :)

  3. It certainly was fun! Thank you (= It's amazing what love can do, huh! I wouldn't have it any other way.

  4. Nice post:)

    I really love your blog, it's amazing and so sweet=)
    I'm now following it:)<3

    1. Thank you Tone-Lise! You are so sweet hehe! (= xo
